I moved to Georgia, so let’s give away an ARC!

*Whew* It’s been a long time, huh? The last time I posted, it was an announcement that I was moving from Boston to Macon, GA, and now, 11 weeks later, here I am! I grew up in East Tennessee, but most of my southern-ness is gone, so it’s been quite the adjustment (though my husband pointed out that I still say “INsurance” instead of “inSURance”). It was also the longest move of my life, including a 3 day drive with all our earthly possessions, moving stuff into storage, then, 5 weeks later, moving our stuff out of storage into our brand new house. I’ve been all out of sorts for a while, hence the no blogging.

But you’re not here to listen to the trials and tribulations of mortgage paperwork (oh what fresh hell…) or how I lived out of a duffel bag for more than a month or how, towards the end, I would just start crying for no reason out of sheer frustration (it was a rough 5 weeks). No, you’re here to get an ARC of Meant to Be!

To celebrate moving in an unpacking (well, that process is hardly done), I’ve decided to give away one of my ARCs of Meant to Be, and I tell you, there aren’t that many. I have 3. My editor has 1. And beyond that … well, after those are gone you’ll just have to wait for release day (November 13, 2012) to get your hands on one.

I’m making this giveaway UBER easy. All you have to do is follow me on twitter, then fill out the form below. That’s it! Easy peasy.Β With the move and my sad lack of blogging, I’ve pretty much been hanging out exclusively on Twitter. Trust me, you don’t want to miss my wit and wisdom (ha…). Hence, the Twitter follow requirement.

If you want to follow me on tumblr (laurenmorrill.tumblr.com) or like me on Facebook or tweet about the contest (Enter to win an ARC of MEANT TO BE by @laurenemorrill bit.ly/SZZYEG), that’s awesome, but not required. You’ll just have my undying gratitude (and you won’t miss future contests … there will be many more as we get closer to release day!)

UPDATE: There are so many awesome entries that I feel compelled to give out more prizes. So if you enter, you could also win an ARC of VENOM by my friend Fiona Paul! And keep checking back, because I may be adding more sweet prizes!

The contest ends September 15, so get on it!

And as a reward for reading and entering, here’s two shots of my soon-to-be writing room. I’m SO. PSYCHED. about it. Tomorrow’s project is to start unpacking books and getting things set up!

All my books, files, and drafts will hang out on this massive bookcase. The cupboards
are part of my closet.

I’m really excited to write underneath those awesome windows
(I’ll be changing the bands on the shades… this used to be a little girl’s room).

15 thoughts on “I moved to Georgia, so let’s give away an ARC!

  1. Kat Zhang says:

    Welcome to Georgia from a fellow YA author πŸ™‚ I’m only there for part of the year, now, but I’m definitely more Georgian than Tennessean, still (shhh, don’t tell the people here that! ;P)

  2. Hilda says:

    You’re right, the bookcase is MASSIVE. ❀ This seems like such a cozy writing room! I wish that this new beautiful room would help you produce brilliant, awesome ideas for your writing in the future, Lauren! New city, new happiness to come! ❀ πŸ˜‰

  3. Ashley Orellana says:

    OMG i love your house!!!! Good Luck unpacking it sure is a pain in the butt, but once it’s done it just feels so AWESOME!!!

  4. corrie says:

    Haha, I also just wrote my whoops, haven’t blogged all summer post. Maggie Stiefvater is reading at Books of Wonder in Sept. and I’m am going to pre-order Meant To Be whilst there. MTB is almost coming out!!!

    Also, I’m falling out of my chair envious of those windows and shelves in your writing room. Be prepared, I’m scheming for a Macon February’s writers retreat:)

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