The Friday Five: I’M GOING ON TOUR!!!!

1. Yep, as the title of this post says, I’m off to visit some of my readers! I’m touring with a lot of awesome writers, including Lenore Appelhans, Lauren Oliver, and Nova Ren Suma, so definitely check out my events page to see if I’m coming to a city near you. I’d love to meet you, sign your book, and have a chat! But even if you don’t want to buy a book, I definitely encourage you to come out. And if you can’t see me on tour, but want a signed copy of Meant to Be, you can order it from Blue Willow Books (Houston, TX), Books of Wonder (NYC), or Oblong Books (Rhinebeck, NY). If you order a signed copy, I promise to doodle something cool in it and/or personalize it any way you want! But if you want it personalized, you have to order it BEFORE I get to the store, so make sure to check the schedule. Otherwise, it’ll just be a signed copy (while supplies last).

2. One of the fun things I’m doing on tour is creating an annotated, signed copy of MEANT TO BE filled with all kinds of fun, behind the scenes info and notes. I plan to read from this copy while I’m on tour, and hopefully also get my tour-mates to write some yearbook-style messages in it as well. And when I’m done? Well, I plan to give this little piece of tour history away to a very lucky reader. Will it be you? Make sure you follow me on twitter @laurenemorrill so you don’t miss the giveaway!

3. I finally started The Infernal Devices series on the recommendation of, well, the ENTIRE INTERNET, and I gotta say … thanks guys! Clockwork Angel is my current e-book read, and I’m totally digging it. I’m usually not a big fan of a) historical b) paranormal c) steampunk, and yet somehow I’m totally into this book. I can’t explain it, Cassie Clare just writes engaging stories. I’m all in.

4. I’m hard at work on two novels at the same time, because I’m a crazy person who’s easily distracted. It’s had me reading a lot about ghosts and spirits. Between that and #5, I’ve been having some really freaking weird dreams…

5. I recently fell down a Hulu rabbit hole with The Following. Have you seen this show? It’s totally warped and twisted, but I just CAN’T. STOP. WATCHING. It’s very Silence of the Lambs meets LOST (hopefully without the bullshit “they’re all dead!” ending). I warn you, it will have you checking your locks several times before you go to bed and giving the side eye to every stranger you encounter as you try to discern if they’re a cult member or not…

2 thoughts on “The Friday Five: I’M GOING ON TOUR!!!!

    • Lauren Morrill says:

      Not on this go ’round. We had such a small window of dates to work with that we couldn’t put it together, but I promise I’ll be in Boston sometime soon. I’ll post as soon as I know where and when!

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